Occupational therapy and return to work for breast cancer survivors


  • Huget Andrea Marcella Désiron


Occupational therapy, return to work, breast cancer, cancer survivors, quality of life.


For people surviving breast cancer, restoring quality of life is an important issue. Belgium lacks systematic and scientifically founded knowledge concerning the way quality of life (QOL) and return to work (RTW) can be restored. This 3-year study aims to set up and evaluate the occupational therapy (OT) support on RTW as a tool to influence QOL of breast cancer survivors. Using desk research and case-study, information about breast cancer, re-employment and QOL was gathered and OT instruments were selected. During the therapeutic process, the OT worked with the patient on making choices, and realising the steps necessary – following the procedures involved – to reach the aim of the project: return to work.

