The importance of an Occupational-based Family Therapy in mental health: a survey study of occupational therapists’ perspectives


  • Dafna Hirschmann
  • Shani Volovic Shushan
  • Ofra Bareket-Srulevitch


Mental health, survey, working with families, occupational performance.


A new mental health intervention program – Occupationalbased Family Therapy (OFT), was designed following a survey of 116 occupational therapists in various fields in a health organization in Israel. The survey was used to identify the nature of family interventions used by occupational therapists, the attitudes regarding family involvement in therapy and the new intervention program, OFT. Survey results indicated that mental health occupational therapists have the lowest implementation of family intervention and the highest need and desire for change. In light of the findings the new program OFT in mental health was developed. The OFT was designed to combine systemic family therapy and occupational therapy principles. The program engages the entire family and includes joint family tasks. Application of the OFT is discussed.

