Studienaustausch, Praktikum im Ausland und Treffen der Studierenden zweier Schulen


  • Christian Bachmann
  • Isabella Huber
  • Sylvie Meyer
  • Marie-Theres Nieuwesteeg-Gutzwiller


Switzerland has 3 schools of occupational Therapy: since 1957 a German-speaking school in Zrich, since 1965 a French-speaking school in Lausanne and since 1974 another German-speaking school in Biel. From the very beginning fieldwork experience has been a significant component of occupational therapy education. Various restrictions on international and national level prevent schools which are in favour of international student exchange from establishing such programmes. However, encouraged by different changes in professional and educational policies, schools have established contacts with schools abroad and some students have taken the initiative to gain fieldwork experience abroad. Aspects related to student fieldwork/contacts abroad are described in 3 essays. In the first essay, the conditions required for a student to do fieldwork abroad are stressed and supplemented by notes from a student. In the second essay, particular emphasis is given to the importance for students of sharing the culture in the host country. The subject of the third essay is an exchange programme with students from a German-speaking neighbouring country.

